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Course on Understanding of Schematic, Block and Wiring Diagrams

Learn about Schematic Diagrams, Block Diagrams, Component Symbols. Logic Gates, Simple and Complex Electric Circuits, Electrical Devices etc. In this course, you will understand on how to read the Schematic Diagrams for any panel/switchboards/switchgears and much more.

03:50 Hours of Video Tutorial with total 10 Lectures with Quiz


An electrical diagram could be a single page schematic, or a 200 page document. This course is intended to break it all down into small chunks that are easily understood.


Electrical diagrams may follow different standards depending on the country where they will be used. They may have different layouts depending on the company and the designer who is designing the drawing. They also may be drawn by different types of software, such as AUTOCAD. So when you see a wiring diagram for the first time, you can take a little time to analyze it and become familiar with its layout and symbols and recalling what you have learned in this course.


During this course, you’ll learn to communicate with electrical terminology with the help of symbolism and standards that manifest themselves as technical drawings that include components in their symbols such as blocks, terminal strips, circuit breakers, power supplies, chassis grounds relays and so on.


By end of this course, you’ll have a good understanding of how to read, understand and use any wiring diagram for your benefit. This course is intended to give you a quick overview and get you started into this two-dimensional world of electrical symbology.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be familiar with:

  • Course Introduction on Understanding of Schematics
  • Schematic Diagrams: Detailed Explanations
  • Block Diagrams: Detailed Explanations
  • Component Symbols – Part #1
  • Component Symbols – Part #2
  • Logic Gates: : Detailed Explanations
  • Simple and Complex Circuits
  • Electrical Devices in a Power System


Course Introduction - Understanding Electrical Drawings

Course Introduction

Understand Schematic Diagrams

Understand Schematic Diagrams

Understand Block Diagrams

Understand Block Diagrams

Component Symbols:Part-1

Component Symbols:Part-1

Component Symbols:Part-2

Component Symbols:Part-2

Understanding of Logic Gates

Logic Gates

Simple Circuit Understanding

Simple Circuit Understanding

Complex Circuit Understanding

Complex Circuit Understanding

Electrical Devices in Power System

Electrical Devices in Power System

Final Test/Quiz

Final Test/Quiz
The student should be from Electrical Engineering background and should have interest to learn about the HV/MV/LV switchgears, their operation and their schematic diagrams
This course is very useful for University Graduates, Trainees, Technicians and even Professionals who wants to learn about the HV/MV/LV switchgears, their operation and their schematic diagrams

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