There are lots of reasons to learn digital logic which is the foundation for modern relay protection and IEDs (Intelligent Electrical Devices). Various numbering systems will be looked at along with binary numbers as they lead into Binary Arithmetic. From there Logic Gates and Switches will form the basis of further study with Combinational Logic Functions.
Electromechanical relays are first used to demonstrate logical functions as they will then lead to more complex circuitry of sequential circuits, shift registers, and solid-state components.
If you have plans to work with protection relays (IEDs), then, this course should be the first step in your journey. A lot of other digital devices in the power network rely on the basics you will learn here.
The protection function is the primary function of a relay IED, as IEDs are primarily the improvement on the microprocessor-based relays. There are tremendous improvements in the new IEDs as more accurate measurement principles and less auxiliary equipment are required.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be familiar with: