This course deals with twelve circuit problems and their solutions focusing on DC series-parallel networks. This problem set has been created at the request of students so that they may practice some theories that have been demonstrated in the courses related to DC circuit analysis that are available for streaming on this site.
In this problem set each problem is set up at the beginning with a diagram and a task or several tasks, that are required to be solved. It is suggested that the student wanting to use these practice problems, pause the video after the task is laid out at the beginning and try to solve the problem without the help of the video. Once the problem is solved or attempted to be solved, then the student can restart the video to see how it was solved by the instructor.
This problem set requires a prerequisite of knowledge that can be gained by completing the course as per below link:
If the student already has this basic knowledge, then this problem set will be a good self-test of his or her knowledge. This prerequisite of knowledge is based on Ohm’s Law, series and parallel circuits, Kirchhoff’s Laws, as they help to further analyze network analysis.
This problem set will be beneficial for anyone who wants to understand the basic concepts of electricity, its laws, theorems, and DC circuits.