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Complete Course on Power System Equipment, Metering, Protection and Control (Five Courses Bundle with 23 Hours of Video Tutorial)

This is the complete course on Power System Equipment, Metering, Protection and Control (Five Courses Bundle). The course includes:

1. Electrical AC and DC rotating machines fundamental such as Motors and Generators. The course also covers the theoretical concepts and some practical examples. Learn how the generator behaves when they are operated in stand-alone mode as well as grid-connected mode.

2. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law in order to correctly understand the concepts of Rotating Machines.

3. Protection Coordination and Control principles of Electrical Utility Distribution Substations, Feeder Protections Fundamentals, Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Vs Electromechanical Relays, Transformer Protections and important factors to be considered for Transformer Protection.

4. Protection and Control principles of High Voltage Switchyards and Substations, Switchyard Configuration and Electrical Equipment, Differential and Distance Protection, High Voltage Circuit Breakers and the Schematic Diagrams (Closing and Tripping circuits), Reclosure Synchro-check Relay, Breakers Failure Protection, Dynamic Monitoring Equipment, Transfer and Remote Tripping and much more

5. Three Phase Power Transformer, Ideal and Real Transformer, Current and Voltage Transformers, Transformer Vector Group and Clock system, Transformer Construction and Cooling, Transformer Protections and Relays and much more

6. The fundamentals of instrument and single-phase/three-phase metering in utilities and industry, digital and analog wattmeters, Kilo Watt-Hour (kwh) meters, polyphase connections