Course: Industry 4.0 – Automation & Ap...
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Programming Format

Word address is the most common programming format used for CNC programming systems. This format contains a large number of different codes that transfers program information from the part print to machine servos, relays, micro switches etc. to manufacture the part. These codes are in a logical sequence called block of information. Each block should contain enough information to perform one machining operation.

Every program in any part to be machined must be put in a format that the MCU can understand. The format used on any CNC is built in by the machine tool builder and is based on the type of control unit on the machine. A variable-block format which uses letters is most commonly used. Numerical data follows this address to identify a specific function such as distance, feed rate, or speed value.

The most common codes used for programming CNC machine tools are G-Codes & M-Codes. G codes are for preparatory functions & M codes are for miscellaneous functions. Other codes such as F, S, D & T are used for machine functions such as feed, speed, cutter diameter offset, tool number etc.